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Louise Lavelle leads the Healthcare Communications team at Carrot Recruitment, supporting her team across Medical Communications, Medical Education, Healthcare Advertising and Healthcare PR. We spoke to her about why she moved into Med Comms in the first place, how she supports her clients and candidates and how she keeps up to date with the latest industry trends:

How did you start recruiting in Medical Communications? 

Prior to joining Carrot Recruitment (then known as Carrot Pharma) on the Medical Communications team I worked for 8 years within IT recruitment. I loved most aspects of my job, supporting candidates and clients, but the IT sector didn’t excite me.

I knew friends at Carrot who were really happy so following maternity leave with my first daughter, I went to meet the team. Almost 10 years on, and I definitely made the right decision! I enjoy working with Medical Communications professionals across the industry who amaze me with their knowledge and dedication, all working towards the same goal of improving patient care and health outcomes for everyone.


What do you love the most about your job in Medical Communications? 

Recruitment is a key priority for all the companies we work with, and knowing that I am playing my small part in keeping their projects on track, effectively resourced and enabling the company to grow is a great feeling.

From a candidate perspective, the first conversation with someone who is looking to change their employer is often quite negative as they list all the reasons they are unhappy at work. I love observing the transformation in that person as you give them options and opportunities that they didn’t even know existed! Then I'll support them through every stage of the recruitment process and share their joy when they receive an offer of employment that reignites their passion.


Why should Director level Medical Communications professionals use you to find their next role?

I typically work with Scientific Directors, Medical Directors, Medical Education Directors, Director of Scientific Services, Client Services Directors, Director of Client Services, Business Unit Directors, Managing Directors and similar. I work with these people as both potential hiring managers and candidates, so I have a good oversight and strong network across the Medical Communications and Medical Education industry. I often know about vacancies before they are advertised and can use my industry knowledge to introduce the right people to the right companies creating new opportunities and mutually beneficial partnerships.

By working with us, you can take advantage of our connections and our large network of clients within your industry.

We can help you to reach contacts that you may not have access to and we can help get your CV into the right hands and in front of the right people. We can point you towards openings that are hard to find. We can also give you access to jobs that are confidentially advertised or not yet posted on the internet. With more options to apply to, you have a better chance of receiving the job offer you're looking for.

Can you share some recent feedback you’ve received from a candidate you’ve helped? 

"I recently had the pleasure of working with Louise during my job search, and I cannot recommend her services enough. From the outset, Louise demonstrated a keen understanding of my career aspirations and matched me with a position that perfectly aligned with my interests and skills.

Throughout the recruitment process, Louise was the ultimate professional—always there to facilitate communication with the company, guide me through each step, and manage expectations on both ends. Her support was instrumental in negotiating a salary that was aligned with my needs.

What truly sets Louise apart is her unwavering support and empathy. She checked in after each interaction, provided timely updates, and was a pillar of reliability—qualities that greatly alleviated the stress of job hunting. Her caring approach made me feel valued and confident, even in moments of uncertainty.

Securing my new position was a collaborative success, and I am certain that Louise's involvement was key to this achievement. Moreover, I was impressed by her commitment to my career journey beyond the immediate scope of the job search. I knew that, win or lose, her support would be steadfast.

I have since shared my positive experience with colleagues looking to navigate new career paths, and I do so with the utmost confidence in Louise's ability to provide exceptional guidance and support.

Thank you, Louise, for being more than just a recruiter—for being a trusted career ally."

How do you keep up-to-date with the latest trends and news within Medical Communications?

Mostly by talking to interesting people all day every day! I love finding out what projects and accounts people are working on or recruiting for, what research is being published, what medical educational needs are being addressed, what therapy areas and diseases are in focus and what the future pipeline looks like. I also read as much as I can using sources such as MedComms Networking, MedComms News, PM Live, Pharmafield, Fierce Pharma, PharmaPhorum, Pharma Times and BBC Health News.

Get in touch:

If you're looking for your next senior opportunity within Medical Communications or Medical Education, or you're looking for support with your Med Comms recruitment needs, get in touch with Louise Lavelle today on:

+44 (0)1625 541 037


Jobs in Medical Communications and Education



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